- National OHS Strategy 2002-2012 / 호주 산업안전보건위원회(NOHSC).
- Communication from the Commission / 유럽공동체(Commission of the European Communites).
- Achieving the Revitalising Health and Safety Targets Statistical Note on Progress Measurement(June 2001)/ 영국산업안전보건청.
- Revitalising Health and Safety Strategy Statement June 2000 / 영국 Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions.
- OSHA Handbook for Small Businesses(1996 Revised) / 미국산업안전보건청(OSHA).
- To Provide Safe and Healthful Working Conditions / Revisions to the Voluntary Protection Programs.
- All about OSHA(미국 노동부 OSHA 2000 개정판.
- A review of Australian provisions for Worker health & safety Representation / 영국산업안전보건청, Worker Participation in Health & Safety.
- OSHA : Employee Workplace Rights.)