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결과내 검색
검색어[키워드/ 전체:Health]
39건 중 39건 출력
2/4 페이지 엑셀 파일 출력
1986 삭제

검색결과 리스트

열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
No. 자료
서명저자출판사청구기호출판년 수록
단행본 Epidemiology of occupational health 미리보기
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M.Karvonen WHO 530.982 K18e 1986
단행본 Epidemiology of occupational health 미리보기
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M.Karvonen WHO 530.982 K186e 1986
단행본 Health and safety practice 미리보기
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Pitman 530.981 S8965h 1986
단행본 Principles for evaluating health risks form chmicals during infancy and early childhook :The need for a special approach 미리보기
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WHO World Health Organization 517.408 W927p s.59 1986
단행본 cis abstracts(1986)(N.1-5, 7-8) 미리보기
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International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre(cis) International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre(cis) 530.9805 I61c 1986
단행본 (Introduction to) Occupational Health and Safety 미리보기
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LaDou, Joseph National Safety Council 530.98 L156o 1986
단행본 Introduction to occupational health and safety 미리보기
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NSC 530.98 L1568q 1986
단행본 Introduction to occupational health and safety 미리보기
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NSS 530.98 L1567i 1986
단행본 Introduction to occupational health and safety 미리보기
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NSC 530.98 L1568q 1986
단행본 The struggle for worker's health 미리보기
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Baywood publishing com 530.98 E46s 1986
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