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열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
No. 자료
서명저자출판사청구기호출판년 수록
단행본 Mining Roof Bolting Machine Safety: A Study of thd Drill Boom Vertical Velocity 미리보기
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Ambrose, Dean H Department of Health and Human Services 530.98 A496m 2005
단행본 (The) Blame Machine :Why Human Error Causes Accidents 미리보기
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Whittingham, R.B Elsevier 530.98 W626b 2004
단행본 Clinical occupational medicine 미리보기
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W.B. Saunders com 530.9821 R813c 1986
단행본 HPLC and CE :fundamentals and applications 미리보기
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Andrea Weston Academic press 433 W534h 1997
단행본 Risk assessment and management for the chemical process industry 미리보기
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Vannostrand reinhold 530.981 G975r 1991
단행본 An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R 미리보기
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James, Gareth SPRINGER 413.01 J27i 2017
단행본 누구나 통계 with R = Statistics with R for fun : R과 함께라면 통계는 어렵지 않다! 미리보기
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오쿠무라 하루히코 지음 길벗 413.7 오876ㄴ 2018
단행본 Discovering Statistics Using R 미리보기
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Field, Andy SAGE Publications Ltd 413.7 F453d 2012
단행본 넛지 미리보기
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Thaler, Richard H 리더스북 320 T365nKㄴ 2009
단행본 Textbook of Pulmonary Diseases (V.1) 미리보기
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Baum, Gerald L Lippincott-Raven Publishers 513.25 B347p v.1 1998
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