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검색결과 리스트

열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
No. 자료
서명저자출판사청구기호출판년 수록
단행본 (A NIOSH Look at)Data from The Bureau of Labor Statistics :Worker Health by Industry and Occupation 미리보기
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U.S.Department of Health and Human Services NIOSH 530.982 U84d 2001
단행본 Engineering materials .1 미리보기
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Ashby, Michael F 외 Pergamon Press 530.3 A819e v.1 1993
단행본 Occupational Medicine :Risk and Disability Evaluation in the Workplace .15(n.4) 미리보기
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Randolph, David c Hanley & Belfus 517.08 R192o(r) v.15(n.4) 2000
단행본 ( 1995 Asme boilar & pressure vessel code )general requirements for division 1and division 2 미리보기
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ASME ASME 530.025 A836a(r) '95(Ⅲ-NCA) 1995
단행본 ( 1995 Asme boilar & pressure vessel code )bules for consteuction of heating boilers 미리보기
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ASME ASME 530.025 A836a(r) '95(Ⅳ) 1995
단행본 ( 1995 Asme boilar & pressure vessel code )recommended rules for the care and operration o f heating boilers 미리보기
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ASME ASME 530.025 A836a(r) '95(Ⅵ) 1995
단행본 ( 1995 Asme boilar & pressure vessel code )recommened guidelines for the care of power boi lers 미리보기
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ASME ASME 530.025 A836a(r) '95(Ⅶ) 1995
단행본 ( 1995 Asme boilar & pressure vessel code )rules for construction of nuclear power plant c omponents 미리보기
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ASME ASME 530.025 A836a(r) '95(Ⅲ-A) 1995
단행본 ( 1995 Asme boilar & pressure vessel code )rules for inservice inspection of nuclear power plant components 미리보기
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ASME ASME 530.025 A836a(r) '95(xl) 1995
단행본 1995 asme boiler & (rules for construction pressure code ofpressure vessels ) 미리보기
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ASME ASME 530.025 A836a(r) '95 '95(VIII) 1995
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