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열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
No. 자료
서명저자출판사청구기호출판년 수록
단행본 Factor Analysis in Chemistry 미리보기
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Malinowski, Edmund R John Wiley & Sons 530.982 M251f 1980
단행본 Introduction to Calculus and Analysis(Volume Ⅰ) 미리보기
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Courant, R Interscience Publishers 414 C858c v.1 1965
단행본 Basic Biological Chemistry 미리보기
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Mahler, Henry R Harper & Row 472.193 M214b 1969
단행본 Introduction to Surface Electromyography 미리보기
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Cram, Jeffrey R An Aspen publication 513.76 C889s 1998
단행본 Foundations of Multithreaded, Parallel, and Distributed Programming 미리보기
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Andrews, Gregory R Addison Wesley Longman,Inc 005.7 A566m 2000
단행본 Handbook of Stress Medicine (An Organ System Approach) 미리보기
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Hubbard, John R CRC Press 513.9802 H876s 1998
단행본 Building Structures(Elementary Analysis and Design) 미리보기
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Shaeffer, R. E Prentice-Hall, Inc 542.1 S524b 1980
단행본 The Construction of Buidings(Volume 1: Foundations & Oversite Concrete, Walls, Floors, Roofs) 미리보기
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Barry, R Blackwell Science Ltd 543.8 B281c v.1 1996
단행본 The Construction of Buidings(Volume 2: Windows, Doors, Fires, Stairs, Finishes) 미리보기
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Barry, R Blackwell Science Ltd 543.8 B281c v.2 1994
단행본 The Construction of Buidings(Volume 3: Single Storey Frames, Shells and Lightweith Coverings) 미리보기
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Barry, R Blackwell Science Ltd 543.8 B281c v.3 1993
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