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검색어[키워드/ 전체:Health]
73건 중 73건 출력
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단행본 삭제
단행본 삭제
1997 삭제

검색결과 리스트

열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
No. 자료
서명저자출판사청구기호출판년 수록
단행본 Management of Poisoning (A Handbook for Health Care Workers) 미리보기
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Henry, J World Health Organization 530.98 H522m 1997
단행본 Formula for Health & Safety(Guidance for small and medium-sized firms in the chemical industry - HSG166 - 미리보기
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Health & Safety Executive HSE 530.98 H434f 1997
단행본 SF-36 Health Survey :Manual & Interpretation Guide 미리보기
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Ware, John E The Health Institute, New England Medical Center 530.982 W269s 1997
단행본 APOSHO-13 Conference Proceedings(21-22 April 1997 / Hong Kong) 미리보기
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Hong Kong Occupational Safety & Health Council Hong Kong Occupational Safety & Health Council 530.9806 H772a 1997
단행본 What You Need To Know About Bladder Cancer 미리보기
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National Institutes of Health National Institutes of Health 530.982 N277w 1997
단행본 Safety, health and environmental quality systems management 미리보기
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Hutchison, Douglas Lanchester Press 530.98 H978s 1997
단행본 Niosh Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards 미리보기
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U.S.Department of Health and Human Service NIOSH 530.982 U84n 1997
단행본 The management of health and safety at work regulations 1992 :Updated to include chandes affecting young people and new and expectant mothers 미리보기
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HSC HSC 530.98023 H434t 1997
단행본 Methods for health impact assessment in environmental and occupational health 미리보기
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Pastides, H WHO 530.982 P291m 1997
단행본 Education and Training of Occupational Health Nurses 1996 미리보기
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Rossi, Kitta International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) 530.982 R832e 1997
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