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열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
No. 자료
서명저자출판사청구기호출판년 수록
단행본 Mining Roof Bolting Machine Safety: A Study of thd Drill Boom Vertical Velocity 미리보기
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Ambrose, Dean H Department of Health and Human Services 530.98 A496m 2005
단행본 Laboratory and Field Performance of a Continuously Measuring Personal Respirable Dust Monitor 미리보기
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Volkwein, Jon C Department of Health and Human Services 530.982 V921l 2006
단행본 Solvent hazards in printing industry 미리보기
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Labour Department Labour Department 530.982 L125s 1994
단행본 Guide to occupational diseases prescribed for compensation purposes 미리보기
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Labour Department Labour Department 530.982 L125o 1996
단행본 Occupational health and safety management system performance measurement :a uiversal assessment instrument 미리보기
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Redinger, Charles F American Industrial Hygiene Association 530.98 R317o 1999
단행본 Guidelines for Laboratory Design :Health and Safety Considerations 미리보기
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Diberardinis, Louis J John Wiley & Sons 530.98 D544g 2001
단행본 OS&H(Occupational Safety & Health)(1998. N.1, 5-12) 미리보기
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The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents 530.9805 R888o 1998
단행본 OS&H(Occupational Safety & Health)(2001. N.1, 3-10, 12) 미리보기
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The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents 530.9805 R888o 2001
단행본 Occupational Health :Recognizing and Preventing Work-Related Disease and Injury 미리보기
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Levy, Barry S Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 530.982 L668o 2000
단행본 Respirator Usage in Private Sector Firms, 2001 미리보기
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U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics NIOSH 530.982 U84r 2003
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