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No. 자료
서명저자출판사청구기호출판년 수록
단행본 Foot and leg protectors. Requirements and test methods for footwear components. Part 3: Metallic perforation resistant inserts. BS EN ISO 22568-3 : 2019 미리보기
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BSi BSi 530.029 B916f p.3 2019
단행본 Hearing protectors -- General requirements. Part 3 : Earmuffs attached to head protection and / or face protection devices. BS EN 352-3:2020 미리보기
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BSI. BSI 530.029 B916h p.3 2020
단행본 Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms. Part 2 : Determination of resistance to penetration. BS EN ISO 374-2 : 2019 미리보기
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BSI. BSI 530.029 B916p p.2 2019
단행본 Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms. Part 4 : Determination of resistance to degradation by chemicals. BS EN ISO 374-4 : 2019 미리보기
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BSI. BSI 530.029 B916p p.4 2019
단행본 Protective clothing against chemicals. Test methods and performance classification of chemical protective clothing materials, seams, joins and assemblages. BS EN 14325 : 2018 미리보기
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BSI. BSI 530.029 B916p 2018
단행본 Respiratory protective devices. Powered fresh air hose breathing apparatus incorporating a hood. - Requirements, testing, marking. BS EN 269:1995 미리보기
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BSI. BSI 530.029 B916r 1995
단행본 Personal protective equipment for the prevention of falls from a height. Low stretch kernmantel ropes. BS EN 1891:1998 미리보기
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BSI. BSI 530.029 B916p 1998
단행본 Personal fall protection equipment - Anchor devices - Recommendations for anchor devices for use by more than one person simultaneously. PD CEN/TS 16415:2013 미리보기
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BSi BSi 530.029 B916p 2013
단행본 Respiratory equipment - Open-circuit umbilical supplied compressed gas diving apparatus. Part 1: Demand apparatus. BS EN 15333-1:2008 미리보기
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BSi BSi 530.029 B916r p.1 2008
단행본 Respiratory equipment - Breathing gas demand regulator used for diving to depths greather than 50 metres. Requirements and test methods. BS 8547:2016 미리보기
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BSI. BSI 530.029 B916r 2016
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