산업재해예방 안전보건공단 도서관

산업재해예방 안전보건공단



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검색어[가나다ABC : 전체]
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No. 자료
기사제목기사저자명출판사수록잡지명발행년ISBN 수록
기사 Biomechanics, Anthropometrics, Work Physiology / The Effect of Handle Angle on MAWL, Wrist Posture, RPE, and Heart Rate 미리보기 Wang, Mao-Jiun J
기사 Biomechanics, Anthropometrics, Work Physiology / Wrist and Forearm Posture from Typing on Split and Vertically Inclined Computer Keyboards 미리보기 Marklin, Richard W
기사 Biomechanics, Anthropometrics, and Work Physiology / Stature, Age, and Gender Effects on Reach Motion Postures 미리보기 Chaffin, Don B
기사 Biomechanics, Anthropometry, Work Physiology / Effects of Load and Speed on Lumbar Vertebral Kinematics during Lifting Motions 미리보기 Zhang, Xudong
기사 Biomechanics, Anthropometry, Work Physiology / The Effects of Work Place on Within-Participant and Between-Participant Keying Force, Electromyography, and Fatigue 미리보기 Gerard, Michael J
기사 Biomechanics, Anthropometry, Work physiology / The Effect of Typing Posture on Wrist Extensor Muscle loading 미리보기 Keir, Peter J
기사 Biomechanics, Anthropometry, and Work Physiology / Assessment of the Relationship between Box Weight and Trunk Kinematics: Does a Reduction in Box Weight Necessarily Correspond to a Decrease in Spinal 미리보기 Davis, Kermit G
기사 Biomechanics, Anthropometry, and Work Physiology / Continuous Assessment of Back Stress(CABS): A New Method to Quantify Low-Back Stress in Jobs with Variable Biomechanical Demands 미리보기 Mirka, Gary A
기사 Biomechanics, Anthropometry, work Physiology / A Statistical Method for Predicting Automobile Driving Posture 미리보기 Reed, Matthew P. 외
기사 Biomechanics, Anthropometry, work Physiology / Analytically Derived Three - Dimensional Reach Volumes Based on Multijoint Movements 미리보기 Kee, Dohyung
기사 Biomechanics, Anthropometry, work Physiology / Determination and Evaluation of Acceptable Force Limits in Single - Digit Tasks 미리보기 Nussbaum, Maury A
기사 Biomechanics, Anthropometry, work Physiology / Effect of Grip Span on Lateral Pinch Grip Strength 미리보기 Shivers, Carrie L
기사 Biomonitoring Study of People Living near or Working at a Municipal Solid-Waste Incinerator Before and After Two Year of Operation 미리보기 Gonzalez, Carlos A
기사 Bisiness Update/ What''s Happening in the CPI World 미리보기
기사 Bitumen, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Vehicle Exhaust: Exposure Levels and Controls among Norwegian Asphalt Workers 미리보기 Burstyn, Igor 외
기사 Bladder Cancer Among Chemical Workers Exposed to Nitrogen Products and Other Substances 미리보기 Marsh, Gary M.외
기사 Blood Lead Concentrations and Pregnancy Outcomes 미리보기 Sowers, Maryeran
기사 Blood Lead Levels and Rik Factors for Lead Poisoning among Children in a Mexican Smelting Community 미리보기 Albalak, Rachel 외
기사 Blood Lead Secular Trend in a Cohort of Children in Mexico City/ Ⅱ. 1990-1995 미리보기 Rothenberg, Stephen J
기사 Blood Lead and Zinc in Pregnant Women and their Offspring in Intrauterine Growth Retardation Cases 미리보기 Srivastava, S. 외
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