산업재해예방 안전보건공단 도서관

산업재해예방 안전보건공단



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결과내 검색
검색어[가나다ABC : 전체]
54,976건 중 54,976건 출력
85/2749 페이지 엑셀 파일 출력

검색결과 리스트

열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
No. 자료
기사제목기사저자명출판사수록잡지명발행년ISBN 수록
기사 Articles / A Threat-Appraisal Perspective on Employees'' Fears About Antisocial Workplace Behavior 미리보기 Sinclair, Robert R
기사 Articles / Accidents, Safety, Human Error / Warning Research: An Integrative Perspective 미리보기 Rogers, Wendy A
기사 Articles / Age, Smoking and Negative Affectivity as Predictors of Sleep Patterns Among Shiftworkers in Two Environments 미리보기 Parker, Katharine R
기사 Articles / Behind Closed Doors: In-Home Workers'' Experience of Sexual Harassment and Workplace Violence 미리보기 Barling, Julian
기사 Articles / Biomechanics, Anthropometry, Work Physiology / Visual Display Height 미리보기 Burgess-Limerick, Robin
기사 Articles / Burnout and Inequity Among Human Service Professionals: A Longitudinal Study 미리보기 Dierendonck, Dirk
기사 Articles / Career Involvement and Family Involvement as Moderators of Relationships Between Work-Family Conflict and Withdrawal From a Profession 미리보기 Greenhaus, Jeffrey H
기사 Articles / Changes in General Health and Musculoskeletal Outcomes in the Workforce of a Hospital Undergoing Rapid Change: A Longitudinal Study 미리보기 Shannon, Harry S. 외
기사 Articles / Chronic and Acute Stressors Among Military PErsonnel: Do Coping Styles Buffer Their Negative Impact on Health? 미리보기 Day, Arla L
기사 Articles / Claiming in the Name of Fairness: Organizational Justice and the Decision to File for Workplace Injury Compensation 미리보기 Roberts, Karen
기사 Articles / Cognitive Processes / Measuring Term Team Knowledge 미리보기 Cooke, Nancy J
기사 Articles / Correlated of Work Injury Frequency and Duration Among Firefighters 미리보기 Liao, Hui
기사 Articles / Deriving Benefits From Stressful Events: The Role of Engagement in Meaningful Work and Hardiness 미리보기 Britt, Thomas W
기사 Articles / Designing a Safer Workplace: Importance of Job Autonomy, Communication Quality, and Supportive Supervisors 미리보기 Parker, Sharon K
기사 Articles / Differences in Psychological and Physical Health Among Layoff Survivors: The Effect of Layoff Contact 미리보기 Grunberg, Leon
기사 Articles / Editorial 미리보기
기사 Articles / Empowerment, Span of Control, and Safety Performance in Work Teams After Workforce Reduction 미리보기 Hechanova-Alampay, Regina
기사 Articles / Examining Type A Behavior Pattern to Explain the Relationship Between Job Stressors and Psychosocial Octcomes 미리보기 Day, Arla L
기사 Articles / From Inequity to Burnout: The Role of Job Stress 미리보기 Taris, Toon W. 외
기사 Articles / Incivility in the Workplace: Incidence and Impact 미리보기 Cortina, Lilia M
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