산업재해예방 안전보건공단 도서관

산업재해예방 안전보건공단



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결과내 검색
검색어[가나다ABC : 전체]
54,976건 중 54,976건 출력
86/2749 페이지 엑셀 파일 출력

검색결과 리스트

열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
No. 자료
기사제목기사저자명출판사수록잡지명발행년ISBN 수록
기사 Articles / Incorporating a Multilevel Perspective Into Occupational Stress Research: Theoretical, Methodological, and Practical Implications 미리보기 Bliese, Paul D
기사 Articles / Job Control Mediates Change in a Work Reorganization Intervention for Stress Reduction 미리보기 Bond, Frank W
기사 Articles / Job Insecurity in White-Collar Workers: Toward an Explanation of Associations with Health 미리보기 Ferrie, Jaen E. 외
기사 Articles / Job Mobility, Its Determinants, and Its Effects: Longitudinal DataFrom the Maastricht Cohort Study 미리보기 Swaen, Gerard M.H
기사 Articles / Layoffs and Tradeoffs: Production, Quality, and Safety Demands Under the Threat of Job Loss 미리보기 Probst, Tahira M
기사 Articles / No Security: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Job Insecurity and Its Consequences 미리보기 Sverke, Magnus
기사 Articles / Organizational Adoption of Preemployment Drug Testing 미리보기 Spell, Chester S
기사 Articles / Perceived Work Stress and Major Depression in the Canadian Employed Population, 20-46 Years Old 미리보기 Wang, JianLi
기사 Articles / Psychosocial Work Characteristics and Perceived Control in Relation to Cardiovascular Rewind at Night 미리보기 Rou, Renate 외
기사 Articles / Rethinking the Effects of Stressors: A Longitudinal Study on Personal Initiative 미리보기 Fay, Doris
기사 Articles / Sexual Assault and Other Types of Sexual Harassment by Workplace Personnel: A Comparison of Antecedents and Consequences 미리보기 Harned, Melanie S. 외
기사 Articles / Social Support at Work, Heart Rate, and Cortisol: A Self-Monitoring Study 미리보기 Evans, Olga
기사 Articles / Sources of Social Support and Burnout, Job Satisfaction, and Productivity 미리보기 Baruch-Feldman, Caren
기사 Articles / Staff Burnout and Patient Satisfaction: Evidence of Relationships at the Care Unit Level 미리보기 Garman, Andrew N
기사 Articles / Supportive Colleague, Unsupportive Supervisor: The Role of Provider-Specific Constellations of Social Support at Work in the Development of Low Back Pain 미리보기 Elfering, Achim 외
기사 Articles / Testing a Conservation of Resources Model of the Dynamics of Emotional Labor 미리보기 Brotheridge, Celeste M
기사 Articles / The Effects of Job Insecurity on Employee Safety Outcomes: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Explorations 미리보기 Probst, Tahira M
기사 Articles / The Interactive Effect of Chronic Exposure to Noise and Job Complexity on Changes in Blood Pressure and Job Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study of Industrial Employees 미리보기 Melamed, Samuel
기사 Articles / The Relative Effects of Deprivation of the Latent and Manifest Benefits of Employment on the Well-Being of Unemployed People 미리보기 Creed, Pater A
기사 Articles / The Tyohon Job Search Program in Finland: Benefits for the Unemployed With Risk of Depression of Discouragement 미리보기 Vuori, Jukka
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