산업재해예방 안전보건공단 도서관

산업재해예방 안전보건공단



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결과내 검색
검색어[가나다ABC : O]
1,133건 중 1,133건 출력
45/57 페이지 엑셀 파일 출력

검색결과 리스트

열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
No. 자료
기사제목기사저자명출판사수록잡지명발행년ISBN 수록
기사 Original Articles/ Prioritization of Occupational Sentinel Health Events for Workplace Health and Hazard Surveillance : The Pan American Health Organization Experience 미리보기 Choi, Bernard C.K
기사 Original Articles/ Public Health Risks of Railroad Hazardous Substance Emergency Event 미리보기 Orr, Maureen F
기사 Original Articles/ The Impact of Allergies and Allergy Treatment on Worker Productivity 미리보기 Burton, Wayne N
기사 Original Articles/ The Impact of Psychosocial Work Factors on Musculoskeletal Pain : A Prospective Study 미리보기 Torp, S
기사 Original Articles/ The Impact of a Worksite Health Promotion Program on Short-Term Disability Usage 미리보기 Serxner, Seth
기사 Original Articles/ The International Trade in Toxic Waste : The Case of Sihanoukville, Cambodia 미리보기 Hess, Jeremy
기사 Original Articles/ The Respiratory Effects of Volatile Organic Compounds 미리보기 Pappas, George P
기사 Original Reports from Developing Countries : Arsenic Residues in Well Water 36 Y after Endemic Arsenic Poisoning 미리보기 Nakadaira, H
기사 Original Reports from Developing Countries : Toxic Merals in Hens'' Eggs in India : A Preliminary Report 미리보기 Dey, S
기사 Original article / A cohort mortality and nested case-control study of French and Austrian talc workers 미리보기 Wild, P. 외
기사 Original article / Associations between daily mortalities from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and air pollution in Hong Kong, China 미리보기 Wong, T.W
기사 Original article / Carcinogenicity assays of wood dust and wood additives in rats exposed by long-term inhalation 미리보기 Klein, R.G.외
기사 Original article / Cardiac output changes during hyperbaric hyperoxia 미리보기 Neubauer, Birger
기사 Original article / Changes in rates and severity of compensation claims for asthma due to diisocyanates: a pollible effect of medical surveillance measures 미리보기 Tarlo, S.M
기사 Original article / Decreased white blood cell counts in semiconductor manufacturing workers in Taiwan 미리보기 Luo, J-C
기사 Original article / Effect of air pollution and environmental tobacco smoke on serum hyaluronate concentrations in school children 미리보기 Fuji, Y. 외
기사 Original article / Effects of air pollution on changes in lung function induced by exercise in children with chronic respiratory symptoms 미리보기 Timonen, K.L
기사 Original article / Exposure to crystalline silica, silicosis, and lung disease other than cancer in diatomaceous earth industry workers: a quantitative risk assessment 미리보기 Park, R. 외
기사 Original article / Further round-robin tests to improve the comparability between laboratories of the measurement of carbon in diesil soot and in environmental samples 미리보기 Guillemin, M. 외
기사 Original article / Identifying populations at risk from environmental contamination from point sources 미리보기 Williams, F.L.R
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