산업재해예방 안전보건공단 도서관

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검색어[키워드/ 전체:Health]
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170/170 페이지 엑셀 파일 출력
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No. 자료
서명저자출판사청구기호출판년 수록
단행본 Why are some People Healthy and others Not? :The Determinants of Health of Populations 미리보기
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Evans, Robert G Aldine de Gruyter 530.982 E92w 1994
단행본 Agricultural Safety and Health for Engineers :An ASAE Instructional Module 미리보기
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Duncan, Jerry R American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) 530.98 D912a 1994
단행본 Injury and Asthma Among Youth Less Than 20 Years of Age on Minority Farm Operations in the United States, 2000(Volume Ⅰ: Racial Minority National Data) 미리보기
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Department of Health and Human Services NIOSH 530.982 D419i v.1 2005
단행본 Self-reported work-related illness in 1995 :Results from a household survey 미리보기
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Jones, J R HSE 530.982 K99s 1998
단행본 Occupational lung diseases :research approaches and methods 미리보기
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Hans Weill Marcel Dekker 530.982 W422o 18 1981
단행본 Cyanide hazards in industry - poisoning prevention and treatment 미리보기
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Labour Department Labour Department 530.982 L125c 1995
단행본 IPCS Mode of Action Framework(Part 1: IPCS Framework for Analysing the Relevance of a Cancer Mode of Action for Humans and Case Studies Part 2: IPCS Framework for Analysing the Relevance of a Non-Cancer Mode of Action for Humans) 미리보기
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World Health Organization WHO 530.98 W927i 2007
단행본 National OHS Strategy =국가별 산업안전보건전략 계획 : 미국, 영국, 유럽공동체, 호주 미리보기
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National OHS Commission NOHSC 530.98 N277n 2002 목차
단행본 (산업안전보건강조주간행사 세미나 등 책자) Workshop on the Sustainable Development for the Prevention Policy of Major Industrial Accidents :국·내외 종합토론(Overall Discussion) : 2003.7.3 =(안전한 나라 만들기 국제 워크샵) 중대산업사고 예방정책의 지속 가능한 발전방안 미리보기
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Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency KOSHA 530.98 K84w 2003
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